Java Program To Find Longest Word In A Text File
Scanner sc new Scannernew Filehomestudentstesttxt. If length longest_length listadd str.
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Write a Java program to find the longest word in a text file.
Java program to find longest word in a text file. BufferedReader bfr new BufferedReaderfr. Next prev Java Program to find the most repeated word in a text file In this program we need to find the most repeated word present in given text file. Reading the contents of the file.
Write a program to input a sentence and print the numbers of characters found in the longest word of the given sentence. Public static voidEstimated Reading Time. SystemoutprintlnEnter the word to be found.
Boolean flag false. If currentlength longestWordlength longestWord current. Read the content of the file using the following while loop.
Public class Solution static ArrayList longestWordsString dictionary ArrayList list new ArrayList. Display the contents of the file. Java Program to find a specific word in a text file and print its count.
Lc denotes linecount public int getCurrentMax return MaxWords. Scanner input new Scannerreader. It buffers the character read into an array.
While sbrreadLine null. Public class LongestLine private int MaxWords 0. It is present in the javaioBufferedReader package in Java.
Public class Exercise18 public static void mainString args throws FileNotFoundException new Exercise18findLongestWords. Public String findLongestWords throws FileNotFoundException String longest_word. If length longest_length longest_length length.
For String str. While scanhasNext current scannext. Public class ArjunPinpoint public static void mainString args throws FileNotFoundException new ArjunPinpointfindLongestWords.
Store this search_dict in cache or file for further use. Public Collection getLongestWords String longestWord. Heres the source code that shows how to find the longest string in a Java String array.
Scanner scan new Scanner new File filetxt. Public static void mainString args String. Set the word wanted to search in the file.
Create an object to FileReader and BufferedReader. Public class JavaLongestStringInStringArray public static String getLongestStringString array int maxLength 0. At first import the util pacakage for creating the object of the scanner class.
Public class FindingWordFromFile public static void mainString args throws FileNotFoundException Reading the word to be found from the user Scanner sc1 new ScannerSystemin. Contribute your code and comments through Disqus. Now create an object sc of Scanner class.
String word sc1next. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Search_dict aaeiilnnnortt adegortu abcefkooadegortu 3 To find N largest words just loop through search_dict and keep adding words which are a subset of the characters in the_letters string.
Int longest_length 0. Dictionary int length strlength. Write a Java program to find the longest word in a text file.
While schasNext current scnext. String longestString null. Private List lc new ArrayList.
Return longestString. Write a Java program to append text to an existing file. If currentlength longest_wordlength longest_word.
Public class TestLongestWordFinder public static void mainString args throws FileNotFoundException FileReader reader new FileReaderCDocuments and Settingsn574824NetBeanswordlisttxt. Public voidEstimated Reading Time. For example String inputJava.
SystemoutprintlnContents of the line. Array if slength maxLength maxLength slength. Now below is the java code to find the longest line.
For String s. Int count 0. Iterate the word array.
Return list. Int longestLenght 0. Public String findLongestWords throws FileNotFoundException.
It is used to read text from the input stream in Java.
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